Battle Royale
Shape the world!
“We’ve placed many Workshops on every map. Visit them to shape the battlefield to your advantage! You can spend coins to build radars to detect enemies, special weapon vaults, or mushroom generators that spawn Cyber Mushrooms. Customize the field and secure that Booyah!”
Creative Zones:
- Each map contains 12 Tech Workshops, marked both in the scene and on the minimap.
- Players can interact with these workshops, which randomly offer 3 Tech Artifacts to choose from. Players can spend coins to build one of the artifacts.
- Once built, the corresponding artifact will immediately appear in the scene and take effect. Players can unlock more powerful artifacts by participating in the MyZone voting event.
- Artifacts:
- Hypercrate:
- Price: 600 FF Coins
- Once built, the Hypercrate will slowly unlock. Players need to wait 50s for it to fully open, revealing special weapons and loot inside.
- Mushroom Generator:
- Price: 200 FF Coins
- Once built, the Mushroom Generator will spawn various Cyber Mushrooms in the designated area, including Healing Mushrooms, Speed Mushrooms, Detective Mushrooms, and the new Wealth Mushrooms. If a Cyber Mushroom is not interacted with or attacked within 5s, it will activate automatically.
- The Wealth Mushroom grants the interactor 200 FF Coins.
- The builder will also receive a special mushroom buff, causing more Cyber Mushrooms to spawn around them.
- Super Radar:
- Price: 400 FF Coins
- Once built, the Super Radar will automatically scan enemies within a 200m range and mark their locations on the minimap for 5s. Cooldown: 50s.
- Hypercrate:
- Unlock more special artifacts and in-match effects by participating in the MyZone voting event!
Device Item Optimization
For a more convenient item usage experience
“Now, items like Portal Go and Active Skill Cards, which can only be carried one at a time, will have clearer visual effects on the ground and in the store. This will help you recognize their rarity better and distinguish them from other non-device items. More items, such as the UAV-Lite and Heal UAV-Lite, will be added to the device category and become easier to use. There might even be Active Skill Cards with unlimited uses to help you in BR battles. Check out these new device items in the game!”
- All device items will have new ground effects, rarity colors, and updated icons in the backpack and store, making it clear that they are device items.
- Some items will be added to the device category, and players can use them directly through the Active Skill Card HUD. Only one device item can be carried at a time.
- UAV-Lite:
- Now a device item; usable via the Active Skill Card HUD.
- Blue rarity: Single-use only.
- Purple rarity: Unlimited uses. Cooldown: 120s.
- Launch Pad:
- Now a device item; usable via the Active Skill Card HUD.
- Blue rarity: Single-use only.
- Orange rarity: Unlimited uses. Cooldown: 300s.
- Heal UAV-Lite:
- Now a device item; usable via the Active Skill Card HUD.
- Blue rarity: Single-use only.
- Purple rarity: Unlimited uses. Cooldown: 120s.
- Active Skill Card:
- Added orange-rarity active skill cards with unlimited uses but longer cooldowns.
- Mini Turret:
- Now a device item; usable via the Active Skill Card HUD.
- Blue rarity: Single-use only.
- Orange rarity: Unlimited uses. Cooldown: 300s.
- Supply Box:
- Now a device item; usable via the Active Skill Card HUD.
- Blue rarity: Single-use only.
- Deploy a supply box that provides ammo and medical items for the team.
- UAV-Lite:
Backpack Capacity Adjustment
No more running out of space with the expanded backpack!
"Running out of backpack space has always been a common frustration, especially for players who favor machine guns. Limited backpack capacity can restrict weapon choices, and that is not the experience we want for our players. To address this, we’ve increased the backpack capacity and adjusted item weights. Now, your backpack will no longer hold you back from choosing the weapons you love!"
- Backpack Capacity Adjustments:
- Lv. 1 Backpack: 60% capacity increase (60 → 100)
- Lv. 2 Backpack: 30% capacity increase (180 → 240)
- Lv. 3 Backpack: 20% capacity increase (300 → 360)
- Ammo Weight Adjustments:
- SG Ammo: 50% weight increase (2 → 3)
- Sniper Ammo: 50% weight increase (2 → 3)
- Throwable Weight Adjustments: 60% weight increase (3 → 5)
Clash Squad
Fresh creations, new experiences!
“With the new MyZone event, you will have a chance to shape the in-match gameplay by choosing your preferred gameplay elements, including unique scanning effects, random mechanisms, or buffs—it is up to you! Additionally, new strategies for capturing airdrops will be available. Jump in and check it out!”
- Airdrop Adjustment:
- During the event, the Cyber Airdrops will transform into Hypercrate Drops. The capture area has been expanded and is now surrounded by more shelters, providing players with better cover while capturing.
- Special Gameplay:
- Vote for your favorite gameplay elements during the event to bring them to CS mode..
Lone Wolf Mode Optimization
New duel feature & new map!
“Lone Wolf has long been one of the most popular modes, offering players an exciting platform to challenge friends and sharpen their skills. However, we’ve also received plenty of feedback about the matchmaking and map design, particularly regarding the current lack of in-group matchmaking and the overly crowded, narrow map layouts. To address these issues, we’ve made targeted improvements. Now, you can enjoy a smoother, more refined dueling experience with your friends!”
- Gameplay Update:
- Select Duel Mode to duel with an in-group friend
- Map Changes:
- Removed some overly complex maps to simplify the match experience
- Added new map layouts that include brand-new resources to enrich the gameplay
New Character
Night Vigilante
“By day, Oscar is a brilliant student; by night, he’s a beloved vigilante. Born into a wealthy family, his life took a dramatic turn when his parents gifted him a custom-designed battlesuit. This extraordinary suit grants him incredible powers, allowing him to shatter enemy defenses with ease and catch them off guard.”
Valiant Dash:
Dashes towards the target direction, detonating the first 3 Gloo Walls in the way with 25 DMG, while also dealing 25 DMG to and knocking back enemies encountered. Cooldown: 60s.
Character Rework
The flaming screen has evolved to take Bermuda by storm!
“Ignis has always been a fan favorite thanks to his handsome looks. While his skill has matched his stylish appearance, its practicality has sometimes been overshadowed. This time, we're enhancing his functionality by enabling him to blaze a trail forward. With this new ability, Ignis will offer more valuable support and help the team advance.”
Flame Mirage:
Deploys a 10m-wide flaming screen that lasts 10s and moves forward at 6m/s for up to 5s. While in effect, use the skill again to stop the screen. Enemies (or Gloo Walls) that get in touch with it will instantly take 25 (or 400) DMG, and then take 5 (or 100) DMG/s. Lasts 2s. Cooldown: 60s.
Character Balance Adjustments
Shield-Points-Related Skill Adjustments
The skills in our game are crafted to deliver a unique combat experience through diverse mechanisms, and Shield Points (SP) is a prime example of this. Though the SP mechanism is easy to understand, it can lead to imbalance when related effects stack. Take Xayne, Shani, Luqueta, and Antonio for instance: individually, they do not seem particularly overpowered. But when they are equipped together, the resulting player survivability can be overwhelming, leaving the opponents confused. They may wonder, “Why is the player still alive? Is there a damage bug?” This is not the kind of experience we want for our players. Therefore, we are slightly adjusting these four skills to rein in their stacking power.
Xtreme Encounter:
Enters the Xtreme state and instantly obtains 60 → 50 temporary Shield Points for 12s, during which each knockdown of an enemy restores the temporary Shield Points gained through this skill back to 60 → 50 and resets the state duration. Once the state ends, the Shield Points earned from this process will be removed. Cooldown: 75s.
Gear Recycle:
When using an active skill, gives 40 → 30 Shield Points to self and teammates within 10m. The Shield Points decay after 5s, after which players can obtain the effects again. Cooldown: 10s.
Hat Trick:
Every elimination increases max. Shield Points permanently by 25 → 20. Max. boost: 50 → 40. Clears the effects once the player is eliminated or the round is reset.
Gangster's Spirit:
Get 30 → 20 extra Shield Points[-] at the start of the match. Recovers Shield Points after surviving combat.
Reduced skill cooldown
“With an informative type of Rusher skill, Koda helps players gain advantages before combat. However, it may not keep pace with other Rusher skills. In this patch, we have increased Koda’s movement speed and reduced his skill cooldown, making him more effective in direct combat and allowing players to gather information more frequently to plan their next moves.”
Aurora Vision:
Activates the Aurora power for 10s. Increases movement speed by 10% → 15% and discovers enemies behind cover within 50m every 1s (unable to detect those crouching or prone). Cooldown: 60s → 45s. (While parachuting, highlights enemy locations within the field of view but the effect is not shared with teammates.)
More offense-oriented
“Have you ever landed a headshot but dealt less than 100 damage to the enemy? Headshots have always been a skill that players strive to master, and we encourage everyone to practice it. However, Wolfrahh's skill can be frustrating for those who have invested a lot of time and effort into mastering this technique, while also disrupting weapon balance. In the upcoming patch, Wolfrahh’s headshot damage boost will remain the same, but the reduction of headshot damage he takes will be lowered.”
Every elimination will add one spectator, and the number of spectators will not reduce. With each additional spectator, damage taken from headshots reduces by 7% → 4% (max. 21% → 12%) and headshot damage to enemies increases by 10% (max. 30%).
Enhanced weapon compatibility
“Lila’s deceleration effect and Gloo Wall acquisition provide excellent team support, but they only apply to Assault Rifles at the moment, limiting her impact in Bermuda. Now, we are adding Marksman Rifles to expand her skill compatibility and flexibility.”
Gloo Strike:
When hitting enemies or vehicles with rifles & marksman rifles, reduces the enemies' movement speed by 10% or the vehicles' acceleration by 50% → 80% for 3s. If the enemy is knocked down while decelerated, freezes them for up to 3s, obtains 1 extra Gloo Wall.
More lethal attacks
“With the growing popularity of survival-focused skill combos, healing has become predominant in battles. An enemy with constant healing abilities can come off as invincible to their opponents, which is not ideal for the gameplay we aim for. In the new patch, Nikita, the only character with an anti-healing skill, will receive a skill adjustment that improves her effectiveness in countering high-healing enemies like Ford or Kassie. Paired with her fast reload speed, she can suppress healing more efficiently and take down opponents more quickly.”
Firearms Expert:
Reload speed increases by 30%. Every time the skill user hits an enemy, said target will get a 30% → 50% healing deduction that lasts for 10s → 6s (max. deduction: 30% → 50%).
Other Adjustments
- Optimized the issue where Santino’s mannequin could not be used near Gloo Walls
- Adjusted Paloma’s skill description
Interactive Point Distribution Adjustments
Don’t miss the rare utilities on the maps!
“All maps come with rare interactive points, such as Arsenals, Player Launchers, and Revival Points. However, the distribution of some of them has been somewhat unbalanced, reducing the strategic value of the areas. This time, we are making adjustments accordingly to enhance the gameplay experience across BR maps.”
- Adjusted the locations of Arsenals in Bermuda, Purgatory, Kalahari, and Alpine to avoid clustering near the map center. Arsenals are now designed to serve as contested spots between multiple areas instead of being tied to one area only.
- Added Revival Points at both Mill and Clock Tower in Bermuda, and removed the one at Kota Tua.
- Added Player Launchers at Rim Nam Village and Mill in Bermuda, as well as near Blue Ville, Rye, and Dock in Alpine.
- Moved the Vending Machine near Hangar in Bermuda to inside the area.
Slope Sliding Mechanism
Unreachable heights should stay unreachable
“We have noticed that some players have been exploiting certain extreme spots on the map by repeatedly jumping to reach unrealistic heights, which has disrupted game balance. That is why we have introduced the slope sliding mechanism—when standing on steep slopes, players will slide down due to gravity. Now, we all have to play by the laws of physics.”
- Players on slopes with an angle of 75° or more will start sliding down slowly; on slopes steeper than 85°, they will slide down at full speed.
- This mechanism only applies to natural terrain and structures in the environment and does NOT affect player-placed Gloo Walls.
- This mechanism does NOT apply to Kalahari.
Ramadan-Themed Map Contents
Another year to celebrate Ramadan!
“The month of Ramadan is here once again! To celebrate this meaningful occasion, we have introduced festive updates to the Bermuda map, bringing players closer to real-life traditions with themed content and special gameplay elements. Let’s make this Ramadan unforgettable in the game!”
- Redesigned the Clock Tower area with a desert market theme featuring regionally inspired architectures, patterns, and decorations.
- In each match, there is a chance for a special Ramadan-themed event to occur. When the Clock Tower clock strikes 6 PM, Bermuda’s sky will transform into a beautiful dusk scene. Street food stalls across the map will light up and display food items. Players can interact with these stalls to consume food and gain supplies. After eating 4 times, players will receive a full EP recovery and a buff that increases damage to Gloo Walls by 100%.
- The sea-surrounding Bermuda has been replaced by desert terrain, making Bermuda the only lush oasis amidst the vast sands.
- Ramadan-themed camels have been added to all maps. Players can interact with them to obtain loot.
Desert-Themed Bermuda
Exotice vibes in the game world
“Have you ever dreamed of a faraway place, completely different from your everyday surroundings? This time, we have brought a desert-inspired exotic setting to Bermuda. Let’s immerse ourselves in breathtaking landscapes and unique experiences while engaging in intense battles!”
- Redesigned the Clock Tower area with a desert market theme featuring regionally inspired architectures, patterns, and decorations.
- In each match, there is a chance for a special Ramadan-themed event to occur. When the Clock Tower clock strikes 6 PM, Bermuda’s sky will transform into a beautiful dusk scene. Street food stalls across the map will light up and display food items. Players can interact with these stalls to consume food and gain supplies. After eating 4 times, players will receive a full EP recovery and a buff that increases damage to Gloo Walls by 100%.
- The sea-surrounding Bermuda has been replaced by desert terrain, making Bermuda the only lush oasis amidst the vast sands.
- Ramadan-themed camels have been added to all maps. Players can interact with them to obtain loot.
Weapon and Balance
Special Weapon Boosts
Dominate the battlefield with unique weapon enhancements
“Some weapons have been upgraded with special boosts that offer better performance and exclusive mechanisms, making them more powerful than the standard weapons. Take and master these boosted weapons on the field, and victory will be within your grasp!”
- Three newly-added special weapon boosts:
- Infrared: provides thermal effects with a unique scope texture
- Infinite: offers unlimited ammo
- Focused: significantly increases accuracy
- Weapons compatible with these boosts:
- Infrared: M82B
- Infinite: M60, MP5
- Focused: AK47, MAG-7, Bizon
- Sources to obtain these boosts:
- BR: Hypercrates
- CS: Cyber Items in CS Store
Weapon Adjustments
Marksman Rifles: SKS & AC80
“The headshot damage of the SKS and AC80 has lagged behind the Woodpecker, limiting their full potential in combat. To bring a more balanced performance to marksman rifles, we are giving both the SKS and AC80 a boost to their headshot damage. On top of that, the SKS is also getting some tweaks to ensure it performs more smoothly and intuitively for players during combat.”
- SKS: Headshot Range +20%, Accuracy -5%
- AC80: Headshot Range +20%
Assault Rifles: PLASMA & Shield Gun
“As two of the rare weapons with unique mechanisms, the PLASMA and Shield Gun have struggled to stand out compared to other weapons in matches. In the new patch, the PLASMA will join the Shield Gun as a map-exclusive weapon, available only in Bermuda. Meanwhile, both guns will be buffed and set to become devastating forces on their respective maps.”
- PLASMA: Energy Recovery Speed +25%, Rate of Fire +5% (available only in Bermuda)
- Shield Gun: Shield HP -20%, Damage +3%, Accuracy +15%, Armor Penetration +4% (available only in NexTerra)
Sniper Rifles: AWM, M82B, VSK94 & Kar98K
“For sniper rifles, this round of adjustments focuses on fixing the issue where weapon damage does not seem to register fully or properly on the target and on improving the balance between different sniper rifles. After the adjustment, the AWM and VSK94 will see significant improvements in resolving the damage registration issue. Additionally, the long-underperforming Kar98K will receive a slight buff to make it more competitive.”
- AWM/AWM-Y: Rate of Fire +5%, Reload Speed -20%
- VSK94: Rate of Fire +8%
- M82B: Magazine Capacity 8 → 10, Reload Speed -20%
- Kar98K/Kar98-I/Kar98K-II/Kar98K-III: Reload Speed +25%
SMG: Thompson
“Since Thompson will be removed from the default weapons upon revival, we have tuned up its damage. This change will make Thompson more lethal in different modes.”
- Thompson: Damage +4%
Pistol: G18 & M1917
“G18 and M1917 play a crucial role in CS matches, but the current low accuracy of the G18 limits its effectiveness. Meanwhile, compared to Mini Uzi and Desert Eagle, M1917 seems to have become an overlooked choice. To balance the strength of pistols, G18 and M1917 will receive buffs that will change the dynamics of early CS rounds.”
- M1917: Damage +10%, Accuracy +15%
- G18: Accuracy +10%
Shotgun: Charge Buster
"Once a dominant shotgun, Charge Buster has been quiet for far too long among the many shotguns. In this upcoming patch, it will receive a buff that boosts its close-range effectiveness to new heights!"
- Charge Buster: Charge Speed +20%
Explosion-Related Adjustments
"Grenades, M79, and other area-damage weapons play a crucial role in matches. As the game continues to expand, the number of such explosive weapons in matches is steadily increasing. Therefore, we’ve decided to make adjustments to some explosion-related weapons and items to enhance the overall gameplay experience."
- Grenade: Minimum Damage 40 → 60
- M79: Minimum Damage 40 → 60
- Trogon (Grenade): Damage 100 → 60
- M590: Explosion Range +20%, Explosion Damage -20%
- Vest Adjustments:
- Lv. 2 Vest: Explosion Damage Reduction 15% → 25%
- Lv. 3 Vest Explosion Damage Reduction 20% → 45%
Weapon Sound Optimization
Clearer combat sound feedback
"In the past, the lack of distinct sound feedback when hitting different objects added unnecessary complexity to the already intense combat. To improve this, we’ve introduced new combat sound effects in the latest version. These updates not only make hit feedback clearer but also enhance your overall awareness of the battle situation."
- New sound effects for hitting the following items:
- Gloo Wall
- Armor
- Body
- Destructible crates
- Optimized the sound effects for hitting vehicles
Guild Wars Updates: CS Mode and Fairness Improvements
More gameplay variety and fair play for Guild Wars
“CS mode is added to Guild Wars for a more enriching experience. Additionally, we’ve improved anti-hack measures to ensure a fairer gaming environment.”
- CS mode is now available in Guild Wars
- Guilds caught using hacks during Guild Wars will face penalties, such as score deduction or match ban.
- Players who leave their guild will lose all Guild Wars points and Activity Points earned during the current week.
Elimination Replay
Improved usability
“After Elimination Replay was introduced, we received feedback that it revealed too much information about players’ locations. In response, we’ve made improvements to this patch and added more practical features.”
- The minimap will now be hidden during replay to prevent revealing too much enemy information.
- Elimination Replay will now show detailed information if a player is eliminated by special weapons or mechanics, including (but not limited to) wall-penetrated damage from M82B/SVD-Y/Iris, and bleed damage from VSS-III/Ryden.
- Extended time window to watch the replay (5s to 10s).
Other Adjustments
- All UAVs that can be destroyed by shooting now have visible health bars.
- Improved icons and models for FF Coins in BR matches to be more consistent and easier to recognize.
- Added grenade pickup limit in BR matches. Players can now carry a maximum of 3 grenades.
- In BR matches, players will now be revived with a P90 instead of Thompson.
- Players who remain offline for too long will now be automatically removed from custom rooms.
- Added an option to enable or disable War Chests in custom room settings for BR mode.
- BR mode ground loot adjustments:
- Airdrop: Added purple UAV-Lite and Heal UAV-Lite to the loot pool. Airdrops may randomly include one of these devices.
- Defense Airdrop: Added orange Launch Pad to Stage 2 loot.
- Blue UAV-Lite, blue Heal UAV-Lite, and blue Mini Turret will appear on the ground.
- Orange Active Skill Card available in BR mode Vending Machines, priced at 1200 FF Coins, with a purchase limit of 1.
- New weapons available in BR Vending Machines:
- FAMAS-III, priced at 600 FF Coins, with a purchase limit of 2.
- M1887, priced at 300 FF Coins, with a purchase limit of 5.
- Supply Gadgets in CS mode now works similarly to Coin Machines, allowing players to interact directly with it to obtain items.
- Players inside a destroyed vehicle will no longer be eliminated instantly. Instead, they will be ejected from the vehicle and take explosion damage.
- The Elimination Replay feature has been temporarily disabled and will return after further fixes.
- A new option “SP number above HP” added under the Information tab. Enable this option to show Shield Points in number and collapse EP.
- Enemies will now be notified when Charge Buster is charging.
Account Recovery (except TW & ID & VN)
Your account safety has always been our priority!
“Players can now bind their game account to a recovery email. If you have trouble logging in with social media accounts or forget your password, don’t worry! Simply find the verification code in your recovery email to switch the binding to another platform account.”
- New Recovery Email feature: Link the game account to a private email as the basis of account recovery.
- New Account Recovery feature: Bind to a different social media account through recovery email verification.
- Check the Account FAQ page for account-related questions.
Guild Optimization
Creating a more customized guild experience!
“We’ve made many improvements based on the feedback we received from guilds across different regions of more personalized features. Additionally, we have optimized some guild features to facilitate a smoother guild experience.”
- Added a new Guild Perk: A Gloo Wall skin featuring your guild’s name. Once unlocked by a guild member, all members can use it for a limited time.
- Members who purchase the Gloo Wall guild perk will have a unique tag and display page.
- Added guild-related items for the personal profile page. Players can now display their guild level, and current and previous Guild Wars rankings.
- Guild Activity Points can now also be earned by purchasing items with diamonds.
- After the guild leader leaves, the guild will not be disbanded immediately. Instead, the guild leadership will be transferred to another member.
- Optimized the guild invitation list. Players can now invite recent online players who are not on their friend list.
Settings Page Optimization
The settings page is revamped for easier use!
“We’ve received feedback from players about the current settings page being cluttered, with too many options scattered across various categories, making it difficult to understand the effects of settings or locate specific options. To address this, we’ve added detailed visual explanations for key settings and reorganized in-match options under a new ‘In-Match’ tab, making it easier to find all settings related to in-match experiences.”
- New visual explanation: Added more detailed visual and textual explanation for settings under categories such as Controls and Sensitivity.
- Optimized setting categories: Added an “In-Match” tab that includes 5 sub-tabs: Controls, Information, Sensitivity, Auto Pickup, and Vibration. The order of the options under these tabs is kept the same.
- More precise Sensitivity and Sound setting: For sliders like Sensitivity and Sound, players can now use buttons to adjust values by 1 unit, allowing for more precise customization of settings.
Improved Preset Page
Clearer information to help you get a quick grasp of different character skills!
“We’ve received feedback from players about the difficulty of quickly understanding skills by reading the description and finding recommended presets. To address this, we’ve simplified skill descriptions and improved the interaction experience and content of the recommended preset page, making it easier for players to understand character skills.”
- Simplified skill description added in character pages. Players can switch between the simplified and detailed versions. Skill tags are updated to better reflect the core skill mechanics.
- Recommended preset page optimization: Redesigned the layout and entrance, added more recommended presets, and improved the setup process for a smoother experience.
Ranked Goal Guidance
The new guidance system helps keep players motivated while climbing the ranks
“A pop-up window will appear in the lobby or when a match ends to help players track the points needed to rank up or other rank-related goals.”
- A pop-up will appear under the following circumstances:
- When the player is close to ranking up.
- When the ranked season is about to end.
- When the player is about to surpass a friend’s rank.
- When the daily ranked mission is not completed yet.
- When the losing streak mission is activated.
Other Adjustments
- Platinum V and Diamond V have been added to more accurately reset player ranks at the end of a season, based on their performance in the previous season.
- Players can now endorse teammates/enemies when spectating after being eliminated.
- Added a Try Out feature for collection items. Players can try out certain weapon skins or collections with new privileges or features before purchasing.
- Improved voice reconnection status display: When a player disconnects from the voice server, a special icon will now display in-match, indicating that the system is trying to reconnect to the voice server.
- Optimized display for team-up recommendation pop-ups, prioritizing individual stats such as KDA, headshot rate, Booyah streak, and Weapon Glory rankings.
- If a player is detected to have committed misconduct (e.g. AFK, force quit) and their Honor Score is already deducted, a new icon will appear on the match result screen to indicate that the player has been penalized.
We are speeding up the development of Craftland Editor features to help creators unleash their imagination and creativity.
- New plot system
- Dialogue plot can now be set up. Options can be added to a dialogue to trigger different logic branches. Works even better with NPCs.
- Currently, only blocks can be used to trigger plot. Dialogue events can also be used in blocks only.
- New scene assets
- Empty scene map and Kalahari are now available for editing.
- Added 6 new geometric shapes for editing.
- Added waypoint object for more efficient path editing.
- Template feature
- Creators can now save grouped objects to "Objects > My Assets > My Templates" for quick and cross-scene use.
- The next version will support sharing templates to Asset Store.
- AI Generate optimization
- AI Generate now supports more scene themes.
- Creators can also compare between two consecutively generated scenes.
- AI Generate can now be used in large-scale maps.